The South Lakes u3a Committee is elected each year at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee meets regularly during the year
Minutes and financial reports from each committee meeting can be found via the link on the right.
You will need the password provided in your welcome email and in the regular newsflash email to access this page
You may contact any member of the Committee by email using the links below
Chair | Samantha Ridgway |
Vice Chair | Pam Priestley |
Secretary | Mavis Crawford |
Assistant Secretary | Jill Hayes |
Assistant Secretary | Chris Brooksbank |
Treasurer | Jeff Hickin |
Assistant Treasurer | Derek Ridgway |
Membership Secretary | Cath Sharpe |
Assistant Membership Secretary | Pat Dalzell |
Assistant Membership Secretary | Sharon Millar |
Minute Secretary | Anne Urquhart |
Publicity Officer | Vacant |
Co-opted Members
Beacon Manager | Colin Edwards |
Deputy Beacon Manager | Susan Heyes |
Editor | John Broadhead |
Website Manager | Judith Wallen |
South Lakes u3a Constitution |
Policies and other documents can be found in Member Information |
Committee minutes and financial reports can be found in the password protected area. You will need the password provided in your Welcome email and at the end of the regular e-mailed Newsflashes to access this page or email website manager |