Our membership year runs from 1st September to 31st August. The amount you pay in the first year depends on when you join.
Individual membership
- £15 Annual membership
- £9 Part-year Membership (new member joining between 1st April and 31st August)
- £6 Reduced rate ( if you receive Pension Credit)
Associate membership
If you are a full member of another u3a you may apply for an Associate Membership
- £10 Associate Membership
Gift Aid
If you are a UK tax payer, you may let us claim Gift Aid on your subscription (£3.75 on a £15 individual membership subscription). A Gift Aid declaration Form is included with the membership form.
How to join
Complete the membership form
Download the Membership Form which also includes a Gift Aid declaration Form
Decide how you want to make payment as set out below
By Direct debit
Our preferred method of payment is by Direct Debit by downloading and completing the Direct Debit mandate form
By Bacs transfer
If you prefer you can pay by BACs Transfer to:
- Sortcode = 05-05-40
- Account number = 34326483
- Beneficiary = South Lakes u3a
By Cheque
If you are unable to use any of the above methods please pay by cheque payable to ‘South Lakes U3A’
Cath Sharpe, U3A Membership Secretary, 8 Beast Banks, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 4JW.
Please do not send cash in post to the Membership Secretary.
In person
You are also welcome to join in person at any of our Monthly Meetings or at our annual Open meeting held in September.