
South Lakes

E-bikers and Friends

Status:Active, open to new members
Group email: E-bikers and Friends group
When: Weekly on Thursdays 10:00am
April to November in clement weather

Coordinator: Nicky Beeson

Group of cyclists

The group enables people with an electronic bike to cycle safely in south Lakeland and the near dales

Rides are scheduled around the South Lakes area and at least two each month commence at Kendal Leisure Centre. The others sometimes requiring bike transport from Kendal to start points.

Rides have a duration of between 20-35 miles and generally untaxing terrain. Generally, rides get a little longer as the season progresses.

Weekly routes and leaders schedule around a week in advance and a party of 8-10 cyclists is generally our maximum, though two groups might go out if there are willing leaders.

Our intent is leisure cycling with stops for viewpoints of interest, refreshments and natural breaks. Although the group is intended for ebikers, friends on normal bikes are welcome to come along.

Most rides commence around 10.00 a.m. and conclude by mid-afternoon.

Although friendly help is always available, members are expected to be self-supporting and comply with good cycling practice.