
South Lakes

Art Appreciation

Status:Active, open to new members
Group email: Art Appreciation group
When: Monthly on Tuesday afternoons 2:00pm-4:00pm
3rd Tuesday. Tea and coffee available from 1:45 pm
Venue: Abbot Hall Social Centre
Cost: £2.00 each meeting
Painting by Daniel Gabriel Rosetti of the Bower Meadow

The group aims to discuss art from any, and all media, and from all periods. Topics covered to date include Picasso; the Pre-Raphaelites; portraits; pictures of babies; Vincent van Gogh; summertime art; fraud in art; and Pompeian art. 

We aim to be participative, thus meetings so far have included both presentations and discussions.

Topics are chosen by the group and all offers to lead on a subject are gratefully received.

All meetings are open to all u3a members

Forthcoming events

15 October 2024
Open group meeting

Frida Kahlo - an autobiography in paint

Talk by Sharon Jones. Image Credit Kyle Magnuson Museo Frida Kahlo 2015. Flickr CC Licence
Venue: Abbot Hall Social Centre
Cost: £2.00. Refreshments available from 13:45

19 November 2024
Open group meeting

LS Lowry/ Norman Cornish exhibition feedback plus an indepth look at a picture as yet to be selected

This session there will be two subjects – feedback from the current LS Lowry/Norman Cornish exhibition at the Bowes Museum (Barnard Castle), plus an in-depth dive into a specific picture […]
Venue: Abbot Hall Social Centre
Cost: £2.00. Refreshments available from 13:45